Data-driven innovation


GALACTICA Second Open Call

GALACTICA aims to demonstrate the viability of new industrial value chains regarding the textile and aerospace sectors based on advanced manufacturing across the EU. The project has launched its second call for proposals, with a total budget of €1.64 million to support European SMEs. The call is...
Community News

Cellografica Gerosa goes one step further in the digitalisation of its plants with the DDM project

Cellografica Gerosa, Dribia, TAI Smart Factory and Packaging Cluster join the Data-Driven Maintenance project The companies and the cluster are investigating how to analyse the data collected in the Cellografica Gerosa production plant in order to be able to predict future failures through...
Community News

"Hack4reSTART Torino: Manufacturing meet technology" took place from 23 to 24 February in Torino, Italy

Almost 80 on-site participants, 30 online attendees, 7 working groups, 2 keynote speakers and 2 funding opportunities workshops. All these numbers sum up to a SUCCESS. Hack4reSTART Torino (24-25 February) happened to be a very valuable event both for traditional manufacturing SMEs and for tech-savvy...
Community News

Data and health: an indissoluble binomial

Europe launched the European Health Data Space (EDHS) this May. However, obstacles such as interoperability and secondary use of data remain to be overcome, but there are also initiatives driven by Estonia and its entire network of Nordic and Scandinavian countries to reflect this.
Community News

SmartCommunities Conference 2022 - 10/06/2022: Call4Speakers is OPEN!

The SmartCommunities Conference is the Italian event dedicated to the promotion of the best innovation solutions for more resilient and intelligent communities. On its second edition it will be focused on the topic Future and Sustainable Communities, and will present solutions, project and ideas...
Community News

"Partnerships for Horizon Europe: smart cities & communities projects" event: 12-22 April 2022

The SmartCommunitiesTech cluster, Cap Digital Paris Region, Clúster Digital de Catalunya, Romanian Cluster Association - CLUSTERO, and Smart Innovation Norway (with the two clusters NCE Smart Energy Markets and Cluster for Applied AI) are organising together the Partnerships for Horizon Europe...
Community News

D3T project: survey about support services for SMEs regarding digitalisation

Torino Wireless is currently wraping up an EU project called: Data-Driven Digital Transformation - D3T, funded under Horizon 2020’s call INNOSUP-06-2018: Supporting experimentation in innovation agencies - Grant Agreement 824197. D3T project aims to improve the Digital Transformation support scheme...

Stakeholder's Consultation on the European Data-driven Economy

Stakeholder's Consultation on the European Data-driven Economy DG CONNECT, Unit G3 "Data Value Chain" would like to get input to their stakeholder consultation that will contribute to the definition of future initiatives for the data-driven economy. As part of this targeted consultation by DG...