Digital transformation
Skills for Industry - Skills for Smart Industrial Specialisation and Digital Transformation
The brochure prepared by PwC EU Services, as part of the Skills for Smart Industrial Specialisation and Digital Transformation project for the Executive Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises (EASME) and the Directorate General for Industry, Growth & Internal Market (DG GROW) of the European...
High-Tech Skills Industry Report
In the framework of the Skills Agenda for Europe innitiative, the European Commission (DG GROW) with the support of its Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME), launched an initiative to develop an integrated Digital Capability Reference Framework for enterprises to...
Are EU companies adopting digital technologies?
The 2018 Digital Transformation Scoreboard shows that the uptake of digital technologies by businesses is increasing. Equally, more EU countries perform above the average in the integration of digital technology. The United Kingdom, Spain, Denmark and Luxembourg are the most digitally-aware European...
Best practices
Additive manufacturing
Additive manufacturing includes many technologies, like 3D-printing, rapid prototyping, direct digital manufacturing, layered manufacturing, and additive fabrication. They all have one main thing in common; the addition of material layer by layer. Typically, apart from the additive manufacturing...
Highlights of the 5th Spanish National Congress of Clusters
The V National Congress of Clusters reinforces the role of business innovation in the era of digital transformation. In 2018, the international label "Spain Cluster" will be launched. At the headquarters of the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, the V Congress of Innovative Business...
Watify webinars – what is coming up in August 2017?
WATIFY, a European Commission-funded initiative aimed at supporting EU efforts to stimulate the modernisation of Europe’s industries, is very pleased to invite you to participate in four upcoming webinars in August 2017! Webinars will be led by well-known experts in their respective fields who also...
Key Enabling Technologies & Digital Transformation projects under the Investment Plan workshop
Key Enabling Technologies & Digital Transformation projects under the Investment Plan workshop Organised on 10th December 2015 in Brussels - Cluster organisations are welcome! KETs and digital relevant cluster associations are welcome to participate in the workshop on "Key Enabling Technologies &...