Euroboostex market study: a useful guide to embrace the European Textile industry twin transition
EuroBoosTEX’s analysis of the textile sector has identified the main trends that will determine the future of the textile industry in the coming years. The textile sector is a very large industry. Therefore, strategies must consider the whole value chain. The sector has undergone a series of major...
EuroBoosTEX, accelerating the digital and ecological transition in the textile industry
EuroBoosTEX is a European partnership that aims to accelerate the dual green and digital transition of European textile SMEs and boost their international competitiveness. EuroBoosTEX Joint European initiative in support of the textile industry for European recovery through digital and ecological...
Life Science digital maturity - where do we go from here?
Lithuanians will talk about the synergy of agri-food and photonics at the EU Industry Days
On February 11th, participants of the EU Industry Days will have an exceptional possibility to learn more on the unique topic “AgriFood and Photonics: the synergy through cross-ecosystem collaboration”, which is initiated by the “AgriFood Lithuania DIH” and the Laser and Engineering Technology...