

Digitisation of the Construction Ecosystem

On 25 May, the European Alliance Against Coronavirus discussed current challenges of the construction ecosystem, especially with regards to the uptake of digital technologies, cluster services, and internationalisation activities. Rodica Lupu from Cluster TEC Technology enabled Construction gave an...

Digitisation of the manufacturing sector

On 13 April, the European Alliance Against Coronavirus discussed advances in digitisation of the manufacturing sector. Loïc Marin and Arnaud Bocquillon from CIMES introduced their ‘pôle de compétivité’. This form of organisation is a specific brand in France and it differs from other types of...
Community News

D3.4 Report of conclusions of the new value chains seminar

The current deliverable which has been produced within the activities carried pout within Work Package 3 "Diagnosis & Identification of opportunities" and it gathers the output of the New Value Chains workshop celebrated during March 2016. Cross-sectoral cooperation between fashion/textile/footwear...

Community News

D3.2 FASCINATE - Compilation of Factsheets

The current deliverable which has been produced within the activities carried pout within Work Package 3 "Diagnosis & Identification of opportunities" include the exercise of identifying Frontrunners SMEs from the target sector and championing in the international markets. These companies have been...

Community News

Public Procurement for Market Study

The Fascinate project in line with the definition of its strategy as a ESCP-4i Partnership for Internationalization, launches the current public procurement tender in order to develop a comprehensive diagnosis through possible target Markets (Canada, Japan, USA) regarding sustainable fashion...

Alpbach 2018 – 9th Cluster Meeting of the National Austrian Cluster Platform: „Materials of the future and their fields of application”

On 24th August, the 9th cluster meeting of the National Austrian Cluster Platform in Alpbach took place. New innovative material technologies, along with the broad field of digitization technologies, are probably one of the biggest transformers for companies in Austria. Key topics in this broad...

ELAN Technical Mission in Finland: Sustainable business from Bioeconomy, Renewable Energy and Digitalisation

5-9 September 2016, Espoo, Finland Sustainable well-being and growth are based on smart and responsible use of renewable resources and digitalization. The ELAN Network Technical Mission in Finland aims to boost low-carbon and energy-efficient technology based business opportunities characterized by...

A Strategist’s Guide to Industry 4.0

Global businesses are about to integrate their operations into a seamless digital whole, and thereby change the world. Industrial revolutions are momentous events. By most reckonings, there have been only three. The first was triggered in the 1700s by the commercial steam engine and the mechanical...