
Support programme

Companies Network in Corsica

In Corsica, Ademe has set up a network of thematic experts to guide companies interested in sustainable development practices. Coordinated by the Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI), there are three to six experts available per thematic area: circular economy, environment, waste, energy, and...
Support programme

UCM - Cellule eco-conception

UCM is the main French-speaking employers’ organisation in Belgium, involved in defending the self-employed and business leaders. UCM offers a diverse range of services to SMEs, from business development to HR management and social services. Ten years ago, they created an eco-design unit, which...
Support programme

Ecodesign in Centre Val de Loire

The Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI) in the Centre Val de Loire region offers support programmes, awareness-raising, training sessions, information exchanges, and expert advice to companies on ecodesign. Training activities include information on life-cycle analysis tools, ecodesign project...
Support programme

Carbon Ready Reckoner

The Carbon Ready Reckoner (CRR) is an online tool specifically developed to enable interested parties in the food and drink sector to evaluate their carbon impact relating to design changes in: Packaging weight Recycled content or recycling rate Product concentration and palletisation efficiencies...
Support programme

Eco-Innovation LT

Eco-Innovation LT is a financial support engine for projects intended to improve the environmental impact of products throughout their life-cycle (raw material selection and use, manufacturing, packaging, transportation, use), systematically integrating environmental aspects at the earliest stage of...
Support programme

Environmental performance in Brittany

The Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI) of Brittany and the Ademe have set up a multi-dimensional programme to improve companies' environmental management. Five key areas are adressed: energy efficiency, waste efficiency, circular economy, eco-design and eco-innovation. Companies can contact...
Support programme

CD2Pro - Sustainable Competitiveness Product Process in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

The Sustainable Competitiveness Product Process (CD2Pro) programme assists companies in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region in their environmental management projects by mobilising the services of technological experts. The programme focuses on: Decreasing resource consumption (materials, energy, etc.)...
Support programme

CD2E - Creation Development of Eco-Enterprise in Haut-de-France

The Creation Development of Eco-Enterprise is one of the largest clusters in France and Europe to work on eco-technologies, bringing together around 250 members (companies, research centres, entrepreneurs, public institutions, etc.) in the Haut-de-France region. It has developed tools and actions to...
Support programme

Ecodesign database

Ademe has identified useful information for any company wishing to embark on an ecodesign approach. The ecodesign directory, in Excel format and distributed free of charge on request, provides easy access to key resources identified in this area. It offers: Contacts of suitable professionals for...
Support programme

TESPI - Tool for Environmentally Sound Product Innovation

TESPI is a free web-based tool aimed at supporting environmentally conscious design, taking into account the product life cycle, the customers’ needs and competitors’ products. It has been developed to support the first steps of product design, as well as redesigning existing products - in...
Support programme

Close the Loop - Guide for a circular fashion industry

Close the Loop is a tool that guides fashion entrepreneurs through the basics of a more sustainable and circular way of working. For each phase of a fashion product lifecycle (resources, design, production, retail, consumption, end of life), the tool formulates five resource-efficient strategies...
Community News

More than 100 companies in the Food-Packaging sectors discuss the circular economy and the legislative framework of food packaging

The Packaging Cluster and the Foodservice Cluster organized a virtual conference on the occasion of World Recycling Day on May 17, with more than 100 attendees During the session, the different current strategies for the incorporation of the circular economy and the regulations that exist for this...