Energy savings
Best practices
Chinese steel mill example
Surprising gains from small changes Steel mill makes a small adjustment to a key process and saves around €1 million annually Adding insulation to its steel-making ladles saves a further € 635 000 a year Heavy industry relies on seamless integration of processes and often large machinery which is...
Best practices
Improvement of thermal insulation of the building envelope
Good insulation of exterior walls, floors, ceilings/roofs, windows, and exterior doors can reduce your new building’s energy demand (both cooling and heating) by some 35 %. Thermal insulation can also help you reduce CO2 emissions by more than a third, and improve the thermal comfort and indoor air...
Best practices
Heat recovery from production processes
Even in workplaces which have already introduced energy saving measures, there is still one untapped source… waste heat. Industrial or thermal processes produce heat that is all-too-often released into the atmosphere, adding to greenhouse gases. That heat can be recovered and used in various ways...
Best practices
Integrate renewable energies in the company heat generation
Using renewable resources for heat generation is good for your organisation’s balance sheet and for the environment. Tapping into renewable sources to heat your buildings means a lifetime of lower energy costs and typically a fairly fast return on the initial investment. It also means an independent...
Best practices
Ecodesign for durable goods
Durable products designed with sustainability considerations, or ecodesigned, offer many advantages both to the company and the environment. Ecodesign takes into account the full life-cycle of products, from conception to design and development, to construction, packaging and end-of-life...
Best practices
Better-performing refrigeration plant for German pharma
Make the most of what you have Better data can be used to boost system performance of current equipment The resulting optimisation can cut energy consumption by around 25 % Refrigeration and air-conditioning systems are a major energy cost for many companies, and significant contributor to carbon...
Best practices
Upgrade boilers to use self-produced energy
Companies can generate energy for their own use and improve their overall energy efficiency by modernising existing equipment. Simple measures like replacing old boilers with new ones can increase their efficiency by up to 15 %. The highest energy savings can be achieved in cases when companies...
Best practices
Better heating system for storing liquids
Long overdue upgrade yields huge savings Upgrading the 30-year-old liquid storage heating system saves nearly € 70 000 in energy costs annually The significant € 335 000 investment could be recuperated in under 5 years Rubber manufacturer from the Czech Republic implemented an energy-saving project...
Best practices
Implementation of forced ventilation system with waste heat recovery
Many production processes generate heat that escapes out windows or other openings in the building. That is a waste, especially when it can be used to preheat incoming air, water or other media as part of the building’s overall ventilation system. Recovering waste heat like this, companies save...
Best practices
Forced ventilation with heat recovery in office building
Public building in Prague gets bespoke ventilation and heat recovery Well-ventilated indoor environment considered worth the premium for an office refit Energy consumption reduced by ~600 GJ per year Annual energy cost savings estimated at ~€ 9 000 An administrative building in Prague, the Czech...
Best practices
Implementation and modernization of measuring and control system
Measuring and control systems (MCS) are used to automatically control both manufacturing and non-manufacturing processes, including monitoring, visualisation and evaluation. Installation of frequency drives on electric motors, such as variable speed drives (VSD), is a typical industrial MCS measure...
Best practices
New cooling-circuit pump with frequency inverter
Why not be more ambitious? New pump with frequency inverter delivered energy cost savings of nealry € 20 000 annually Return on investment was 2.1 years The company Paramo, Czech Republic, which produces and sells fuels, motor and process oils, asphalt and coatings for the construction industry...