Report: Cluster programmes in Europe and beyond

How do European countries and regions support cluster activities? What are the main objectives, measures and target groups of cluster programmes? What do cluster policies in other parts of the world focus on? These and other questions are answered by the analyses of the European Observatory for...

The Progress Report on the European Strategic Cluster Partnerships

The first “ Progress Report on the European Strategic Cluster Partnerships”, prepared by the European Observatory for Clusters and Industrial Change (#EOCIC), is now available. This report aims to provide an overview of the first results, good practices and lessons learnt achieved by the second...

The second issue of the European Observatory for Clusters and Industrial Change (EOCIC) newsletter is out!

We are very pleased to announce that the second edition of the European Observatory for Clusters and Industrial Change (EOCIC) newsletter, is now available. This edition follows up on the previous one, published in September 2018 and provides a summary of the outcomes of a number of recent...

Registration is open for the European Cluster Conference 2019!

The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs is pleased to announce that registration for the European Cluster Conference 2019 is open. The event takes place on 14-16 May 2019 at the Palace of Parliament in Bucharest under the Romanian EU...

Second European Cluster Policy Forum outcomes: the future of cluster labelling, a cluster mobility scheme and a European Cluster Week

On 26 April 2018, the European Commission met with 19 EU country ministry representatives in Brussels for the second edition of the European Cluster Policy Forum. Invited experts took part and participants gave practical examples for the Commissions future involvement in: the labelling of clusters...

The first newsletter of the European Observatory for Clusters and Industrial Change (EOCIC) is out!

We are very pleased to introduce to you the first edition of the European Observatory for Clusters and Industrial Change (EOCIC) newsletter, which follows up from the previous European Cluster Observatory. The aim of this publication is to provide, twice a year, a summary of the latest activities of...

First European Cluster Policy Forum sets an agenda for discussions with EU countries

On 22 February 2018, representatives from 25 EU country ministries met in Brussels during EU Industry day. The meeting focused on modern cluster policies, notably, better use of clusters for driving industrial change and growth. Key conclusions of the 1st European Cluster Policy Forum: Cross...

EU Clusters are well represented at the European Industry Day 2018

During 4 days (20-23 February 2018), Brussels will be the place putting the European cluster policy and its instruments under spotlight during the Second European Industry Day 2018. Several cluster-related events will be organised: On 21 February 2018 - The European Resource Efficiency Knowledge...