Support programme
Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPAnEK)
The “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation” (EPAnEK) Operational Programme pivotal strategic objective is to enhance the competitiveness and extroversion of enterprises, to facilitate transition to quality entrepreneurship with innovation and the growth of domestic added value as the...
Support programme
Operational Programme Environment - Greece
The Operational Programme Environment has a budget of some € 5.2 billion (2014-2020) and covers low-carbon transition, climate change and resource efficiency issues. The programme is intended primarily for the public sector, however some sub-programmes are open to private companies involving the...
Support programme
HAPI-E - Holistic Assessment Performance Index for the Environment
The HAPI-E methodology is a software-based tool that calculates the integrated environmental footprint of a business using multi-criteria data analysis, which can be compared with competitive companies in specific economic sectors. This holistic index incorporates all aspects of the company‘s...
€7.7 million scheme set to help Greek cultural sector survive COVID-19
The European Commission has approved a €7.7 million Greek scheme to support micro and small companies active in the cultural sector in Athens. The scheme will mitigate the sudden liquidity shortages that the companies are facing due to the measures taken by the Greek government to limit the spread...
Deadline extended! Call for applications: ECCP matchmaking mission in Thessaloniki, Greece
The deadline for the Call for Applications for ECCP's tenth cluster matchmaking mission in Thessaloniki, Greece, on 13-14 September, 2017, has been extended! Expressions of interest to participate in this mission must be submitted electronically by the 28th of July 2017 at the latest to morgane...