Support programme
Competence Platform
The Competence Platform for Resource Efficiency in Central Europe offers fast access to information on how to improve resource efficiency at company level, including publications, good practices and related events.
Support programme
Green Office
The KÖVET Association for Sustainable Development is offering a service to SMEs, called Green Office, which includes a handbook, training, office footprint calculator, a virtual office, and advisory services. Green Offices make conscious decisions to lower their ecological footprint and greenhouse...
Support programme
ABP Programme - money thrown in the window
In the framework of the ABP Programme, the KÖVET Association collects measures, projects and investments that are environmentally and economically advantageous. Through case studies, it shows that spending on environmental protection is not 'money thrown out the window', but can also be financially...
Support programme
Support for building energy development using renewable energy
A call to SMEs by Hungarian government to promote better building energy practices. The objective is to reduce primary energy consumption and increase the use of renewable energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Projects eligible under the call receive a non-refundable grant of HUF 1.5...
Support programme
Call promoting renewable greenhouse gas production
The aim of this call, launched in the framework of the national Szechenyi 2020 programme, is to encourage deployment of decentralised, environmentally friendly renewable energy sources, by installing co-generation systems exceeding 4 MW of built-in power. The scheme targets companies of any size...
Support programme
EDIT Value Tool
'The Eco-Innovation and Implementation Tool for Increase of Enterprise Value' (EDIT Value Tool) is a comprehensive analysis that enables SMEs to identify and exploit opportunities for increasing resource efficiency in production process and products – for the benefit of economy and environment. The...
The Joint Romanian-Hungarian Cluster Conference 2018
During 20-22 November 2018 the European cluster community witnessed a true première: for the first time in the European cluster history, two countries decided to bring their already existing good cluster collaboration to a next level and merged their national cluster conferences into one big...
Evolution of cluster policy in Hungary - 2000-2020
I. The beginnings The history of clusters starts at the beginning of the early 2000s. Hungary was the first country in the Central and Eastern European region, where national government supported the development of corporate cooperation and clusters. The first cluster in the Central and Eastern...