Join the Women4Cyber Registry

Unlike many digital awareness initiatives for women which focus on the general ICT sector, ECSO’s Women4Cyber initiative targets the cybersecurity field. It goes beyond awareness and networking and aims to develop a concrete agenda to meet the growing demand for cybersecurity professionals in Europe...

Intellectual Property Rights in China for SMEs in the ICT industries

China’s intellectual property rights (IPR) protection system is expanding and improving, but it remains vastly different from the European system. To be successful in China, businesses must take preventative measures to protect their IPR rights. Obtaining valid IPR rights in China is a minimum first...

Cities and ICT technologies

Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Daily Webinar on 13 July 2020. This daily session looked at the possibilities of ICT technologies in the development of cities. The presentations were given by four speakers from Portugal: Vasco Lagarto, Daniela Monteiro, Luís Felipe Antunes and...

Open call: Towards a vibrant European network of AI excellence centres

Deadline: 13 November 2019 17:00:00 Brussels time As stated in the Coordinated Plan for AI under the European AI Strategy, the European Commission together with Member States have committed to mobilise the best research teams in Europe to join forces to tackle more efficiently major scientific and...

USAID Sucess Story - Cluster Academy in Kragujevac

Cluster Academy Supports ICT Industry Growth in Kragujevac, Republic of Serbia The ICT Cluster of Central Serbia in Kragujevac has initiated and sustained a Cluster Academy in order to solve the major constraint for the growth of the ICT industry in the town -- the lack of qualified ICT specialists...

International Marketing opportunities from Saxony-Anhalt into the wider world

Selected members of the BioEconomy Cluster will travel to Boston, USA from June 2 to 5, 2018 as part of an acquisition trip. Owing to the companies and institutes located in the regions around Boston, New York and Philadelphia, the sector focus of this trip will be on life science, biotechnology...

Extended deadline for EU Gateway | Business Avenues mission in ICT to Singapore and Thailand: open to clusters!

3 European cluster managers have the opportunity to participate in the EU Gateway | Business Avenues mission in Information & Communication Technologies to Singapore and Thailand, from 25-30 June 2018. Once selected by the European Commission, European cluster managers will travel to Singapore...

Thailandia: Digital Economy & Software Industry

Investment Opportunities for Companies As part of the internationalization activities of the ICT Cluster, the Torino Wireless Foundation, in collaboration with Gogate, organizes a meeting with the Thai Board of Investment (BOI). the government agency responsible for promoting business investments...

ICT Mission and Partnering Event in Japan

The EU-Japan Centre is currently calling for applications for its next ICT Mission and Partnering Event in Japan in May. ICT mission and partnering event in Japan / Dates: 08-11 May 2018 / Application deadline: 22 February 2018 This mission is managed by the EU-Japan Centre and funded by the...

GTAI and Silicon Saxony: Business delegation travels to India for cluster marketing

Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI) traveled to India from 4 to 8 December 2017 together with business representatives from the new federal states to promote the business location of eastern Germany. Representatives of the region Berlin-Brandenburg and Saxony as well as representatives of the East German...

GAIA participates in the ICT Cluster SME Mission in Japan

GAIA in collaboration with the EU-Japan Centre attendes the ICT Cluster/SME mission organised on the fringe of the autumn’s Japan IT Week" trade fair in Chiba. In this collaboration GAIA will exhibit at the Japan IT Week trade fair and will gain knowledge about ICT market structure in Japan. With...

ACTTiVAte is looking for innovative cross-sectoral SME projects

The INNOSUP project ACCTiVAte is looking for innovative cross-sectoral SME projects! Do you have technologies in these sectors: AeroSpace, Health, AgriFood, ICT? ACTTiVAte offers direct funding and business support services to SMEs. The call for proposals is currently open and will close on...