INNOSUP-1 Acttivate: call for financial support to third parties (SMEs)
ACTTiVAte, a 5M EUR project financed through the H2020 INNOSUP-1-2015 call "Cluster facilitated projects for new value chains", aims to foster cross-sectoral innovation among SMEs from four different sectors: aerospace, agro-food, health and ICT. The consortium launched a competitive call for...
ECCP introduces new projects from the INNOSUP initiative
The INNOSUP initiative addresses the challenge to develop new cross-sectoral industrial value chains across the EU, by building upon the innovation potential of SMEs. The initiative was launched by the European Commission in 2015 under the H2020 programme and now introduces the first projects...
INNOSUP-1-2016-2017 call closes on 4 April 2017!
A reminder for all the cluster organisations interested in cooperating in cluster facilitated projects for new industrial value chains: the INNOSUP-1-2016-2017 call closes on 4 April 2017 17:00 hrs! TOPIC :Cluster facilitated projects for new industrial value chains Topic identifier: INNOSUP-01...
Save the date: Launch of the KATANA call for applications for SMEs and entrepreneurs
On 1st December 2016, KATANA, a project financed through the H2020 INNOSUP-1-2015 call "Cluster facilitated projects for new value chains", will publish a call for applications for SMEs and single entrepreneurs from the agrifood value chain (farmers, food producers, retailers, nutritionists etc.)...
INNOSUP project NEPTUNE launches a call for tender that will be of interest to the ICT cluster community
NEPTUNE is a first round winner of the INNOSUP European Union research and innovation H2020 call, aimed at developing new cross-sectoral and cross-border industrial value-chains, including in particular SMEs, to foster the development of Blue Growth industries in Europe. The project is led by French...