

Agreement reached on EU funding for cross-border projects

The European Parliament and European Union (EU) Member States have reached agreement on the funding for cross-border programmes for the next seven years. Following the deal, which must still be formally endorsed by the Parliament and European Council, €8 billion will be available for transnational...

Call for Expression of Interest: Thematic experts for the preparation of the new 'Interreg NEXT MED' Operational Programme

Deadline for applications: 23 March 2020. ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin 2014-2020 is a EU co-financed programme part of the cross-border cooperation component within the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI), bringing together the coastal territories of 14 EU and partner countries in view of...

Danube Transnational Programme 2nd Call for Proposals

The Danube Transnational Programme is launching the second call for proposals for its priorities 1, 2 and 3. The Programme offers financial support to transnational projects contributing to the development of a more innovative, better accessible and sustainable Danube Region. The programme has been...

Clusters support Smart Specialisation Thematic Platforms

The experts of the Interreg Europe Research and Innovation Policy Learning Platform have prepared a policy brief highlighting the growing synergies between policies supporting smart specialisation policy implementation and cluster policy development. It focuses on the interactions between clusters...

Save the date: 3rd call for Interreg Europe projects opens on 1 March 2017

Interreg Europe's third call for proposals will open on 1 March 2017. Applications will be accepted until 30 June 2017. The detailed terms of reference will be available on our website in January 2017. You can already learn more about the details of our previous calls and browse the programme manual...

The Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platforms to support cooperation for cluster policy development

The Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platforms – launched in Brussels during the European Week of regions and Cities - form the second pillar of initiatives under the Interreg Europe Programme, alongside the interregional cooperation projects. They offer a space for continuous learning where any...