Maintenance and repair

Best practices

Leasing extends end-of-life product cycles at Xerox

Xerox sees the 'green' light Copy machine-maker develops strong remanufacturing business model Its reverse supply chain activities save around € 107 million annually and divert 35 million kg of waste from landfill Xerox ventured into the managed service sector by enabling customers to lease its...
Best practices

Energy efficiency of compressed-air equipment

Generating and supplying compressed air is a very energy-intensive activity. Improving the energy efficiency of compressed-air equipment by implementing concrete measures can save more than 30 % of the total energy used. The efficiency of such compressed air systems can be improved through simple...
Best practices

Ecodesign for durable goods

Durable products designed with sustainability considerations, or ecodesigned, offer many advantages both to the company and the environment. Ecodesign takes into account the full life-cycle of products, from conception to design and development, to construction, packaging and end-of-life...
Best practices

Better heating system for storing liquids

Long overdue upgrade yields huge savings Upgrading the 30-year-old liquid storage heating system saves nearly € 70 000 in energy costs annually The significant € 335 000 investment could be recuperated in under 5 years Rubber manufacturer from the Czech Republic implemented an energy-saving project...
Best practices

Top 20 analysis helps cut energy use in Austrian animal feed company

Look closely and all kinds of savings can be found Top 20 analysis reveals energy-saving opportunities Adjusting compressed air pressure, for example, saves about 19 000 kWh in electricity a year Grain dust (byproduct) recommended for use as biogas fuel Garant Tiernahrung GmbH is an animal feed...