AfriAlliance: Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on "Social innovation in water and climate change in Africa"

The increasing manifestations of Climate Change on the African continent present many challenges for African stakeholders. This requires novel and holistic approaches in order to deal with the impacts on water resources and society. One such approach is social innovation - tackling societal, water...

Massive Open Online Course on Smart Specialisation Strategies

The concept of smart specialisation has had an immense impact in Europe and beyond after the European Council’s decision to adopt smart specialisation as an essential principle of European regional policies. Even though the general principles are well known in Europe by now, the actual...

Massive Open Online Course on Smart Specialisation Strategies

MOOC is delighted to announce the second Massive Open Online Course on Smart Specialisation Strategies starting 15 January 2018. WHY. The concept of smart specialisation strategy has had an immense impact in Europe and beyond after the European Council’s decision to adopt smart specialisation as an...