
Community News

Martina Font, new president of Packaging Cluster

Her challenge is to transform the packaging industry in the field of digitization and sustainability She will lead the development of the Strategic Plan 2022-2025 Packaging Cluster, a leading entity in the packaging sector, held its Ordinary General Assembly today in Sabadell, which culminated in...
Community News

Industrial symbiosis project, "New plastic product made out of waste from the textile industry", completed

New plastic product made out of waste from the textile industry is the title of an industrial symbiosis project carried out in collaboration between members from the Packaging Cluster and AEI Tèxtils. It had the aim of introducing to the market plastic products made of polypropylene recovered from...
Community News

More than 100 companies in the Food-Packaging sectors discuss the circular economy and the legislative framework of food packaging

The Packaging Cluster and the Foodservice Cluster organized a virtual conference on the occasion of World Recycling Day on May 17, with more than 100 attendees During the session, the different current strategies for the incorporation of the circular economy and the regulations that exist for this...
Community News

More than 30 leading brands in the kid's sector work together to detect the challenges and opportunities of designing packaging for future generations

Internationally referenced companies such as Educa Borràs, Staedtler, Jovi, Mattel, Stikets, Oxford, Jumbo Diset, Abacus, Bimbo or MagicBox Toys Inc have gathered today in a session organized by KID'S CLUSTER in collaboration with the Catalan cluster of the packaging sector , and Sentinel, a...
Community News

The first Packaging Marketplace is born, The Pack Finder, a platform to connect suppliers and brands

The packaging sector is in luck since from now on it has a tool with which in three simple steps you can customize the desired packaging in 3D and contact the suppliers that can provide it. It is an initiative of the Packaging Cluster and its associated company 3D Click, and has the support of ACCIÓ...
Community News

The Recyclability Certification analyzes the real capacity of packaging recycling of companies in the Packaging Cluster

This certification determines the percentage of real recyclability of the packaging through an analysis of the characteristics of the product and the technologies applied in the waste recovery plants. Different companies in the cluster have been able to benefit from the information obtained during...
Community News

Recircula: the platform that provides an accessible space to establish a link between citizens and waste management

The Recircula project was born in 2018 within the framework of the aid of the Agència de Residus de Catalunya, to promote circular economy projects. The Recysmart system, from the Recircula project, will allow a device to be incorporated into waste containers to interact with citizens and encourage...
Community News

The Packaging and INNOVI clusters successfully organize an intercluster conference

About 40 wineries were interested in this session that gave packaging responses to the challenges of the wine world On February 25, the Packaging Cluster and INNOVI organized a conference entitled Challenges and packaging solutions in the wine sector, which had a good impact, not only among...
Community News

CIRCULAR PACK: promoting circularity in food packaging

The Foodservice Cluster and the Packaging Cluster, with the support of the eco-innovation study inèdit, are launching Circular Pack a collaborative initiative to create a decalogue of circularity for food packaging. This decalogue aims to help companies in the agri-food and packaging value chain to...
Best practices

Voluntary material efficiency commitment in the food industry

In the food industry, raw materials account for about 45 % of net sales. The cost of purchasing goods sold in the grocery trade is more than 70 % of turnover. Therefore, measures to improve material efficiency are a major competitive factor enabling a company to achieve significant savings. In small...
Best practices

Family-run bakery's investment in waste recycling

Invest now, save for decades! Benefits of waste recycling go beyond simply reducing waste It also decreases the amount of raw materials used and this saves money and helps the environment Every day Henllan Bread produces pies, cakes and of course bread for a wide range of shops, schools, and...
Best practices

Reusable packaging, returning customers

At least 20 uses... A Finnish company provides reusable packaging for online stores The innovative circular economy business model has led to several awards For customers, advantages include short payback time, increased customer loyalty and significant savings on greenhouse gas emissions and waste...