Circular Plastics Alliance aims to Boost Recycling in the Plastics Value Chain
To boost the EU market for recycled plastics, the European Commission launched the Circular Plastics Alliance (CPA). More than 275 organisations representing industry, academia and public authorities covering the entire plastics value chain have signed the declaration of the alliance. By joining...
Community News
Extended deadline for applying to the mission in Japan (May 2023)
The REC-N-COMP project, co-funded by the COSME Programme of the European Union, will support the internationalization of European SMEs having recently set-up, fine-tuned and consolidated their business in the production of recycled-based composites and/or sustainable recycled materials and their...
Community News
REC-N-COMP: Signature of a memorandum of understanding with the University of Southern California
The REC-N-COMP project visited the University of Southern California in Los Angeles in October 2022. The visit was organised during the exploratory mission to the USA for SMEs in the sector of recycled materials-based composites. During the visit of the M.C. Gill Composites Center, REC-N-COMP...
Community News
IFLEX promotes an innovative reprint service in Catalonia with the aim of boosting the circular economy
The recent tetrabrik Reprint Reprint project will allow the reuse of obsolete printed reels, reducing waste generated by production errors or other needs to update graphic information. The Girona-based company IFLEX has carried out modifications to the machinery in order to offer the reprint service...
Community News
The Packaging Cluster presents the conference 'The influence of chemical recycling in the packaging sector'
The Packaging Cluster presented the virtual session on the influence of chemical recycling in the packaging sector during the European waste prevention week Sandra Meca from Eurecat, Asier Asueta from Gaiker, Xavier Ribera from Basf and Martin Hill from Dow explained the challenges and business...
Support programme
Pack4Recycling is an easy-to-use tool for assessing whether the packaging is recyclable or not. It also provides tips for improving the recylability through ‘design for recycling’ principles and other measures which help minimise the overall environmental impact of packaging.
Support programme
Close the Loop - Guide for a circular fashion industry
Close the Loop is a tool that guides fashion entrepreneurs through the basics of a more sustainable and circular way of working. For each phase of a fashion product lifecycle (resources, design, production, retail, consumption, end of life), the tool formulates five resource-efficient strategies...
Support programme
HAPI-E - Holistic Assessment Performance Index for the Environment
The HAPI-E methodology is a software-based tool that calculates the integrated environmental footprint of a business using multi-criteria data analysis, which can be compared with competitive companies in specific economic sectors. This holistic index incorporates all aspects of the company‘s...
Community News
Projektový zámer IÚS Banská Bystrica
Project intention proposed for inclusion in an integrated territorial investment in the Region Banská Bystrica. The project concerns the topic of waste management in the Banská Bystrica region.
Community News
Trends in pharmaceutical packaging
Packaging Cluster and News Packaging organized on Monday an online webinar on trends in packaging for products for sale in pharmacy, which was attended by representatives from the field of design, pharmacy, pharmaceutical laboratories and packaging manufacturing companies. The event was divided into...
Community News
Industrial symbiosis project, "New plastic product made out of waste from the textile industry", completed
New plastic product made out of waste from the textile industry is the title of an industrial symbiosis project carried out in collaboration between members from the Packaging Cluster and AEI Tèxtils. It had the aim of introducing to the market plastic products made of polypropylene recovered from...
Community News
More than 100 companies in the Food-Packaging sectors discuss the circular economy and the legislative framework of food packaging
The Packaging Cluster and the Foodservice Cluster organized a virtual conference on the occasion of World Recycling Day on May 17, with more than 100 attendees During the session, the different current strategies for the incorporation of the circular economy and the regulations that exist for this...