
Best practices

Assessment and improvement of production line infrastructure to reduce material use

Changes and improvements to production infrastructure can significantly reduce raw materials used, and related costs of storage, as well as boost manufacturing efficiency. According to McKinsey reports, companies should prioritise activities that offer the greatest potential benefit. Additionally...
Best practices

German window-maker applies functional sales model

See-through, long-term business relationships Functional business model values long-term relationships over one-off sales Materials in old windows are retrieved and re-used as part of the scheme Customers get the latest in window technology as part of the replacement-upgrade model The German window...
Best practices

Ecodesign for durable goods

Durable products designed with sustainability considerations, or ecodesigned, offer many advantages both to the company and the environment. Ecodesign takes into account the full life-cycle of products, from conception to design and development, to construction, packaging and end-of-life...
Best practices

Ecodesign for fast-moving consumer goods

Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) are typically used by households quickly after purchase or at least under one year. This includes packaged foods, cleaning supplies, light bulbs, but also cosmetics and personal hygiene items. FMCG packaging is a major challenge. Because of the short lifespan and...
Best practices

Top 20 analysis helps cut energy use in Austrian animal feed company

Look closely and all kinds of savings can be found Top 20 analysis reveals energy-saving opportunities Adjusting compressed air pressure, for example, saves about 19 000 kWh in electricity a year Grain dust (byproduct) recommended for use as biogas fuel Garant Tiernahrung GmbH is an animal feed...
Best practices

Implementing a waste-management system

The core goal of a waste-management system is to think of ways to improve a company's handling of non-product outputs (waste with zero or negative market value), and implement measures to minimise waste generation through more efficient use of resources or re-use of materials and to separate waste...
Best practices

German firm's 'NoWaste' strategy

Full-scale waste scheme German company reuses steel by-products to reduce waste 100 % of steel scrap is reused Waste that cannot be reused in the factory is sold to other businesses The German company Georgsmarienhütte GmbH operates in the automotive industry. It produces crankshafts, piston rods...