Smart Specialisation


European Alliance Against Coronavirus discuss the Swedish Cluster Landscape

On 3 June, the European Alliance Against Coronavirus travelled virtually to Sweden to understand the development of clusters and their main activities in the country. Daniel Kronmann from the Skane region presented the region’s cluster programme for 2021-2027. It has a more integrated approach to...
Community News

DEBUTING - what is it all about?

DEBUTING is a project co-funded by the Interreg Europe programme, starting on 1 March 2023 and ending in May 2027. Ten European regions are represented in the project by policy authorities and public actors aiming to work together on making SMEs more sustainable and competitive by supporting them to...
Community News

The Smart Specialization Platform for Food and Packaging is born to accelerate the transition towards a more sustainable food packaging

The Packaging Cluster joins the Smart Specialization Platform, made up of 22 clusters from 11 different European countries The European Commission has approved the Smart Specialisation Platform for Food and Packaging with the Packaging Cluster as a member. This association initiated by Pack4Food...

Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills

Following the 2019 Seminar: Blueprint in the Spotlight, organised by DG EMPL in close cooperation with DGs GROW, MARE, REGIO and RTD as well as the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), where the nine on-going projects from 2017 and 2018 and the six new Blueprint projects...

Smart specialisation: beyond patents

Local capabilities are regarded a key pillar of Smart Specialization policy in the EU. Regions should build on existing capabilities to develop new activities. This makes it crucial to understand how to capture and measure regional capabilities. Studies often rely on one type of capabilities, like...

Delivering Smart Specialisation investments through industrial clusters

In this editorial, Ulla Engelmann, Head of "Advanced Technologies, Clusters and Social Economy" Unit at the European Commission's Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW), reflects on the contribution of clusters within the Smart Specialisation policy...

Latest edition of the S3 Newsletter

With an editorial on the contribution of clusters within the Smart Specialisation policy process, signed by Ulla Engelmann, Head of "Advanced Technologies, Clusters and Social Economy" Unit at the European Commission's Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG...

European Commission and OECD publish recommendations to help EU countries and regions achieve industrial transition

The European Commission and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) present a report on an initiative launched in 2017 to help 12 EU regions and Member States achieve industrial transition and hold their own a globalised economy. Commission experts diagnosed what was holding...

European Institute of Innovation and Technology: Commission proposes strategy for 2021-2027

The European Commission proposed its new Strategic Innovation Agenda for 2021-2027 as well as the revised EIT Regulation aimed at aligning the EIT with the EU's next research and innovation programme Horizon Europe (2021-2027). With a proposed budget of €3 billion, which represents an increase of...

Massive Open Online Course on Smart Specialisation Strategies

The concept of smart specialisation has had an immense impact in Europe and beyond after the European Council’s decision to adopt smart specialisation as an essential principle of European regional policies. Even though the general principles are well known in Europe by now, the actual...


On 8 May 2019 the European Commission (DG REGIO) published a brochure presenting the first, promising results of the launched pilot actions to support ‘Regions in Industrial Transition’, ’Coal Regions in Transition’ and the creation of new value chains through interregional investment in innovation...

Interview with Dr. Anna Sobczak: "Most Prominent Clusters Provide Individualized Support to Their SME’s"

The Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA), the main governmental institution, responsible for implementation of innovation policy in Lithuania, published an interview with Dr. Anna Sobczak, policy making expert for clusters and emerging industries with the European Commisison, keynote...