Smart Specialisation
The call for European Strategic Cluster Partneships for Smart Specialisation Investments (ESCP-S3) is now open!
Deadline for submitting applications: 8 March 2018, 17:00h Brussels time Topic identifier: COS-CLUSTPARTNS-2017-3-02 The overall objective of this call is to boost industrial competitiveness and investment in the EU via cross-regional cooperation and networking by supporting the establishment of...
Massive Open Online Course on Smart Specialisation Strategies
MOOC is delighted to announce the second Massive Open Online Course on Smart Specialisation Strategies starting 15 January 2018. WHY. The concept of smart specialisation strategy has had an immense impact in Europe and beyond after the European Council’s decision to adopt smart specialisation as an...
Save the date: GROW your REGIOn conference set for 8-9 November 2017: Boosting smart interregional collaboration through clusters
The 2nd edition of the 'Grow your region' conference will take place in Valencia, Spain, on 8 and 9 November. Save the date! The event is co-organised by the European Commission's Directorate-Generals for 'Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs' and for 'Regional and Urban Policy', in...
The deadline for the Call for Expression of Interest for the European Strategic Cluster Partnerships for Smart Specialisation Investments is extended until 31 March 2017!
The European Commission's Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs invites cluster organisations, other business network organisations, technology centres and science parks interested to team up around specific industrial thematic areas, in the context of...
CLUSTERS3 - Call for Peer Reviewers
In the framework of the Interreg Europe project CLUSTERS3 "Leveraging Cluster Policies for successful implementation of RIS3", TCI is looking for best offers from experts in the field of cluster policy and smart specialization (reviewers) to carry out peer review exercises. They will be organized...
EC - DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs - Workshop for smart specialisation in industrial modernisation and investment
October, 13th, 2016, European Commission, Centre Borschette, Room 0C Rue Froissart 36 - 1040 Brussels - (Belgium) The workshop will aim at stimulating an interactive debate including policy makers at all levels with the participation of cluster and industry stakeholders about strengthening inter...
CLUSTERIX 2.0 – New Models of Innovation for Strategic Cluster Partnerships
Special EU Expert Workshop on “European Initiatives Fostering Strategic Cluster Partnerships and Emerging Industries” On 21 June 2016 the Interreg Europe project CLUSTERIX 2.0 – New Models of Innovation for Strategic Cluster Partnerships organized an open workshop aiming to get a better overview on...
9th TCI Latin American Cluster Conference “Competitiveness, clusters and smart specialization” Temuco, Chile, 14-17 June 2016
This year's TCI Latin American Cluster Conference gathered 200 cluster and competitiveness professionals from 14 countries in Latin America, Europe and North America. Under the main theme of “Competitiveness Policies, Clusters and Smart Specialization”, participants shared their knowledge and...
For all clusters in the energy field: follow live the “Smart Specialisation in Energy” event tomorrow 16 June, #S3PEnergy #Eusew16
ECCP brings you closer to a top event of the S3PEnergy platform by inviting you to follow the session through the livestreaming service available at The event can be followed in four languages (English, French, German and Spanish) and the hashtag of reference is:...
The launch of the Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation
The ECCP team was present during the two day Smart Regions conference held in Brussels 1-2 June 2016 during which the European Commission launched the Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation. During the Smart Regions conference, attended by 300+ participants, the European...
S3 Platforms on Industrial Modernisation and Investment and Agri-Food: INFORMATION DAYS
The European Commission is organising a thematic workshop for regional and national authorities, regional clusters and representatives of various industrial sectors who are actively interested in co-creating a smart specialisation Industrial Modernisation Platform to share best practices, jointly...
Joint CoR-EC conference seeking to explore and exchange progress regarding Smart Specialisation
Agenda includes a Workshop session on the interactions between clusters and science parks. Brussels 26th January 2016 The ECCP team has participated in developing one of the workshops that will take place during this conference organised jointly by CoR-EC. The main aim of the event is to update and...