Smart Specialization


Greater Copenhagen Cluster Summit gathers clusters and stakeholders to further develop interregional cooperation

Economic growth and job creation in focus when Greater Copenhagen Cluster Summit meets for second time The Greater Copenhagen Cluster Summit 2018 gathered clusters and stakeholders in Greater Copenhagen for the second time on May 8, in Malmö. The purpose with this year’s Greater Copenhagen Cluster...

THA webinar: Smart specialisation – evidence based implementation in the EU

28 th February 18:00 CET The Webinar will address the emerging concept of Smart Specialisation, a place-based growth strategy that has been now fully integrated in the European Union’s Regional development policy and is already an ex-ante condition for all EU countries planning to get Structural and...

Clusters support Smart Specialisation Thematic Platforms

The experts of the Interreg Europe Research and Innovation Policy Learning Platform have prepared a policy brief highlighting the growing synergies between policies supporting smart specialisation policy implementation and cluster policy development. It focuses on the interactions between clusters...

Cluster-based local economic development in the context of RIS3

We would like to introduce a recent paper inspired by the inputs and discussions taken at the 2nd InFocus thematic workshop “Cluster-based local economic development in the context of RIS3”, Frankfurt, November 23-25, 2016. The author, Miguel Rivas, explored issues related to Clusters and cluster...

The Smart Guide to Cluster Policy is published

The Smart Guide to Cluster Policy is a new tool for policy-makers and practitioners to support industrial modernisation, SME growth and smart specialisation. The Guide was presented at the Smart Regions conference on 2 June 2016, and is the latest publication in the series of Guidebooks on...

Call for the expression of interest: Towards European Strategic Cluster Partnerships for smart specialisation investments

The European Commission's Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs invites cluster organisations, other business network organisations, technology centres and science parks interested to team up around specific industrial thematic areas, in the context of...