IraSME: The 25th call for proposals

Deadline: March 26th, 2020 IraSME, a follow-up initiative of an ERA-NET by ministries and funding agencies, is a network of funding programmes from different countries / regions that share the same goal: supporting small businesses in their innovation efforts. The network is coordinated by AiF...

Enterprise Europe Network presents SME Growth Outlook for 2019-20

The SME Growth Outlook 2019-20 report produced by the Enterprise Europe Network provides a snapshot of the current situation for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Europe, based on survey data from businesses using the Network's services. It contains many useful insights as it captures the...

The China IPR SME Helpdesk: Free IP information and support service for EU SMEs

The principle issues surrounding IPR development, protection and enforcement are essential to all aspects of your business. Your IPR strategy should be considered one of the main pillars of your business. A strong IPR strategy and proactive preparation not only helps to prevent IPR-related issues...

China IPR SME Helpdesk - In Vino Veritas: Getting Practical; market monitoring and alternative enforcement strategies

“It is hopeless. China is the size of the USA. Population over four times. They counterfeit everything, everywhere. Nothing can be done. If my wine is counterfeited, I have zero chance.” Your writer quivers every time these phrases are uttered. On every occasion I have to freeze my tongue, whilst...

Call for Applications: Nanotech Cluster/SME Mission

The EU-Japan Centre is calling for applications for the next matchmaking mission to Japan targeting the nanotech sector(s), organised alongside the International Nanotechnology Exhibition and Conference in Tokyo. Mission dates: 28 - 31 January 2020 - Application deadline: 17 October 2019 This...

Call for proposals: Accelerate and scale up innovation applications for a sustainable and circular fashion industry

The call for proposals COS-CIRCFASH-2019-3-02 "Accelerate and scale up innovation applications for a sustainable and circular fashion industry" COSME Work Programme 2019 GRO/SME/19/C/08 is online with a deadline for submission on 17/12/2019. The call budget is 3.5 M€ to support 4 transnational...

Call for application: Peer learning of innovation agencies

Call name: For a better innovation support to SMEs Call ID: H2020-INNOSUP-2018-2020 Type of action: CSA-LS Coordination and support action Lump sum Deadline model: multiple cut-off This action will provide incentives to national and regional innovation agencies for engaging in peer learning on all...

Call for Proposals: For a better innovation support to SMEs

Horizon 2020: Innovation Associate programme. SMEs will be provided with funds to employ a post-doctoral researcher for one year to work on an innovative project for the SME. The programme covers all costs of the Innovation Associate (personnel costs, relocation, and training). For this call, the...

The Horizon 2020 Innovation Associate Programme Call is open!

Deadline: 15 January 2020 17:00:00 Brussels time If you are an SME interested in exploring the potential of an innovative idea and turn it into an innovation programme but the skills required for this innovation idea are not within your reach at national level, this is an opportunity to receive the...

Call for Proposals: EURES and PROGRESS Mobility Exchange programme for SME staff (MobiliseSME)

Deadline: 17 September 2019 Published under the Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) programme, the EU financing instrument at EU level to promote a high level of quality and sustainable employment, guaranteeing adequate and decent social protection, combating social exclusion and poverty and...

H2020 Call for Proposals: SME instrument

Deadline model: multiple cut-off Topic identifier: EIC-SMEInst-2018-2020 The SME Instrument supports high-risk, high-potential small and medium-sized enterprises to develop and bring to market new products, services and business models that could drive economic growth. The SME Instrument is for...

Mapping small business-led innovation in the United States through the SBIR/ STTR awards

The American State Science and Technology Institute ( STTI) released a map of all SBIR and STTR awards distributed in the United States, by metropolitan areas between 2013-and 2017. The SBIR and STTR awards are given by the American Seed Fund, a fund managed by the Small Business Administration, at...