Urban development
Striving towards a greener Europe in urban areas
EU institutions, Member-States, regions and cities have stressed the importance of the energy transition and climate adaptation at an urban level for many years now. To accelerate these transitions, the UK will host the 26 th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties ( COP26) in Glasgow on 12...
Open call: ERA-NET Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (ENUAC)
The ERA-NET Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity invites researchers, cities, municipalities, businesses, civil society and other stakeholders to build transnational consortia to create challenge-driven innovation and research projects that address the challenges of sustainable urban...
RegioStars Awards 2019: call for applications
Deadline: 8 March 2019 The call is open for RegioStars Awards 2019! Are you proud of your project? Would you describe it as original, innovative and inspiring? Does it deserve recognition for identifying good practices in regional development? Perhaps this is your year - submit an application now...
URBACT’s last call for Action Planning networks now open!
Deadline: 17 April 2019, 15:00 CET. The URBACT III Programme is looking for up to 23 new Action Planning networks. Action Planning networks aim to help cities in Europe find solutions to common urban challenges. These networks bring together up to 10 partners from different European countries to...
The Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) Initiative has launched its third Call for Proposals
Deadline: 30th of March 2018 In the framework of supporting innovative actions in the area of sustainable urban development , the European Commission launched in 2015 the Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) Initiative, in order to identify and test new solutions which address issues related to...