Energy efficiency
Best practices
Insulating steam network cuts fuel consumption
Just like that... 10% oil savings! Energy audit shows soft drinks-maker where gains can be made Even things like insulating steam networks can make a big difference SNEMBG manufactures and bottles soft drinks and distributes them in the French Antilles and continental France. The company is...
Best practices
Jam manufacturer saves 100 tonnes of fuel oil per year
When letting off steam is a problem Jam factory discovers how to fix its steam production, save fuel and boost its performance Actions taken to optimise and upgrade its steam system save around € 35 000 per year Favols is a jam manufacturer in southwest France which is keen to improve its energy...
Best practices
Optimising heat recovery in fish-drying process saves money
The heat is on... too high! Energy audit reveals energy wastage in key fish-drying process Focusing on improvements along two workstations recovers € 67 700 per year in lost heat Copalis is a French fish-processing cooperative. Opened in 1960 in Boulogne-sur-mer, it has become a global supplier of...
Best practices
Mobility plan for company personnel
Implementing long-lasting changes, including behavioural change, requires good planning and commitment by employees and management. Mobility planning is a classic example of how this works. Typically, mobility planning for personnel includes a baseline assessment of the current modes of transport...
Best practices
Automatic control of steam-heated distillation plants
All steamed up Food company investigates ways to optimise its steam production plant Discovers a feed-forward system can iron out steam production fluctuation Steam is a major component in most food manufacturing. One producer uses steam-heated distillation columns, for example, as part of its...
Best practices
Eco-efficient textile finishing
Finishing is a series of processing operations applied to a textile material that improves its appearance, performance, ‘hand’ (feel) and/or functional properties. Finishing processes are usually applied directly to fabrics after, or in combination with, dyeing. Technologies available for mechanical...
Best practices
Eco-efficient textile dyeing
Dyeing can take place at multiple stages within the supply chain, from dyeing fibres and yarns through to fabrics and garments. The environmental impact of dyeing is related to the type of dye, type of material being dyed, application method used, stage applied and overall desired effect. In general...
Best practices
Cold pad batch dyeing for cotton
The cold truth Reactive dyes are the family of dyes generally used to dye cotton, viscose, and other cellulosic fibres. However, reactive dyeing requires vast amounts of salt, water and energy. The process is also quite inefficient, leading to low fixation rates (approximately 75 %). This means that...
Best practices
Lighting upgrade in bottling factory saves money
Light at the end of the... warehouse! Bottling warehouse addresses its lighting problem with the help of expert advice New LED lamps offer better light at a lower cost and need replacing less often, which means less business disruption Houston Bottling & Co-pack provides bottling and co-packing...
Best practices
Programmable heating systems to reduce energy use
Effective, controllable heating systems can help businesses to reduce energy consumption, with associated cost savings and reduced CO2 emissions. Heating in the workplace is most effective – and energy efficient – when systems enable different temperatures to be controlled in different rooms. This...
Best practices
Energy awareness theme week helps tech-services firm meet energy goals
Involve everyone and see the results! Metso implemented an organisation-wide energy saving theme week to engage everyone in boosting energy efficiency in daily work The campaign activated employees and energy saving efforts were also noticed by customers and stakeholders Metso is a global supplier...
Best practices
Energy efficient lighting in industrial SMEs
Lighting is a major energy cost in industrial SMEs, especially for properties using old or poorly configured lighting technology. By improving lighting systems a plant can save significant energy. Replacing existing systems with energy efficient LED lights is a first step, but to gain the most from...