IoT4Industry Final moves: build upon successes, grant awards, and… celebrate!

Submitted by Guillaume Roux on 30 June 2020

IoT4Industry Final moves: build upon successes, grant awards, and… celebrate!

Started from the bottom now we here

IoT4Industry project started in April 2020 and is now in is in its final stage. Its entire consortium is very proud of the results achieved by the numerous stakeholders involved!

IoT4Industry set up a series of activities, such as webinars, workshops, B2B sessions in support of EU companies. “Intense cooperation” with partners and clusters, encouraged collaboration between industrial entities and IoT providers for implementing IoT solutions and modernising their production.

On a wider scale, beyond supporting the developments of new prototypes, demonstrations, and setting up new interregional collaborations,  IoT4Industry enabled collaborative projects to tackle key issues such as :

  • The lack of awareness about IoT solutions’ impacts on manufacturing production,
  • Integrating IoT assets into ‘traditional’ business models,
  • Enabling the development of common architectures and communication protocols,
  • Crush cultural barriers, change mindsets, strengthen human resources,

Almost 385 applicants (companies, RTOs, clusters, etc.) joined IoT4Industry, 82% of which were SMEs from 29 countries. 149 proposals were submitted to the Calls for Collaborative Projects, of which 128 were eligible and 70% above the threshold! Out of these riveting participations, 40 projects have been funded allocating 3.7 million Euros to European SMEs.

IoT4Industry Awards

Let’s kick off the last part of IoT4Industry project with a special competition between the 40 funded Collaborative Projects! Each participant in these projects were invited to prepare a video presenting their solutions. The three best solutions will then be selected by a committee that will award winners at the Digitalising Manufacturing Conference 2020, 5th6th October in Coventry. The event is one of the UK’s largest annual gathering of manufacturing leaders, key decision makers across all sectors, speakers from across the world to provide manufacturers with practical information and solutions on how to meet the challenges of digitalising manufacturing. This year MTC’s flagship Digitalising Manufacturing Conference 2020, will also take place virtually, dramatically increasing the visibility of the iot4industry projects!

Let’s celebrate!

Celebrations of these great results started already on 18th June on the European Alliance against Coronavirus Daily Webinar, where Pole SCS introduced IoT4Industry experience presented its vision of the strategic role of EU initiatives to sustain SMEs in the 4.0 transition. (the record is available here).

We are happy to proceed the celebration on 30th of June afternoon 15:00 – 16:00 CEST – at the “Clusters for Next Generation EU: Dialogue between European Commissioner Thierry Breton and the European Clusters Alliance”, where we will present IoT4Industry results and the key role of the clusters in the framework of the recovery plan that European Commission will launch.  Join the event here 




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