
Community News

Sustainable food systems: towards a joint Asia-Europe strategy for the internationalisation of agri-food SMEs

In February 2022, the partners of the Global Foodture project have organised two workshops with stakeholders and network partners with the goal of establishing a joint strategy for the international development of agri-food SMEs in Asia and Europe. Global Foodture is a project whose goal is to boost...

Call for application: EU Gateway | Business Avenues to South East Asia for Information & Communication Technologies

Deadline for application: 24 April, 2020 From 28 September 2020 to 3 October 2020, the new EU Gateway | Business Avenues mission to South East Asia for Information & Communication Technologies will take 50 of the most disruptive tech companies from Europe to Singapore & Thailand. For the companies...

EU - Asia Gateway 2018 - The 4th Transylvanian International Clusters Conference Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania, Romania May 16 – 18 2018

There’s only one more week left until the beginning of The 4th Transylvanian International Clusters Conference, ”EU - Asia Gateway 2018”, hosted in Cluj-Napoca, Romania in 17 and 18 May 2018. EU-Asia Gateway 2018 will be a meeting spot for people involved in industries that aim innovation and a...

Extended deadline for EU Gateway | Business Avenues mission in ICT to Singapore and Thailand: open to clusters!

3 European cluster managers have the opportunity to participate in the EU Gateway | Business Avenues mission in Information & Communication Technologies to Singapore and Thailand, from 25-30 June 2018. Once selected by the European Commission, European cluster managers will travel to Singapore...

Business Seminar: Opportunities in Asia for SMEs

How to do business in the Asian markets? Join the EU-Asia Business Link and the Brussels Chamber of Commerce (BECI) on June 14th to get an overview on the golden rules and ask your questions to the representatives of the EU Business Support Organisations and European Chambers in Asia. Doing business...

EuroCham Myanmar

The European Chamber of Commerce in Myanmar – EuroCham – serves as the voice of European business in Myanmar. Its main mission is to advocate member interests with organisations in Myanmar, the ASEAN region and the EU. Eurocham’s main mission is to significantly increase the presence of European...

The EU Asia Business Link (EALink)

EALink is the platform aimed at helping European businesses to set up and develop commercial relations in several Asian countries. EALink is your starting point to find information and support in the target market provided by a wide network of EU Business Support Initiatives as well as European...

The EU Asia Business Link (EALink)

EALink is a one-stop-shop where European SMEs and business organisations can find key information and relevant links to develop business in Asia. The European Union is increasingly engaged in developing support initiatives for European SMEs to expand their activities internationally, outside of the...

European-Asian Cluster Matchmaking Event - Opportunity For ICT Clusters

European Innovation Week - Taiwan European-Asian Cluster Matchmaking Event Opportunity for ICT Clusters Registration for the Expression of Interest extended until April 1 st 2016 at midnight CET An ICT-focused cluster matchmaking event will take place during the European Innovation Week in Taipei...

EU-ASEAN Cluster Matchmaking Event Creativity and innovation in the agro-food sector, September 30th 2015, in Milan

The matchmaking event was supported by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs in the framework of an initiative promoting international cluster cooperation for SMEs, and was organised by Finlombarda S.p.A and co-organised by inno TSD as...