capacity building


Call for expression of interest for the organisation of an event on Policy Learning for Policy Makers and Capacity Building for Cluster Organisations

The European Commission's Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) invites applications from regions and cities from EU and COSME participating countries with a view to hosting a cluster policy learning and capacity building event with its European...

Capacity Building Programme for Basque Clusters on SDGs, Creating Shared Value and Addressing Societal Challenges

Over the last three months, SPRI has organized a pilot capacity building initiative for the Basque Clusters on “ SDGs, Societal Challenges and Shared Value creation”. SPRI designed this training in the framework of the working group on Shared Value the agency launched in 2017 with 8 clusters. For...

Call for proposals: Accelerate and scale up innovation applications for a sustainable and circular fashion industry

The call for proposals COS-CIRCFASH-2019-3-02 "Accelerate and scale up innovation applications for a sustainable and circular fashion industry" COSME Work Programme 2019 GRO/SME/19/C/08 is online with a deadline for submission on 17/12/2019. The call budget is 3.5 M€ to support 4 transnational...

Call for Proposals: EURES and PROGRESS Mobility Exchange programme for SME staff (MobiliseSME)

Deadline: 17 September 2019 Published under the Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) programme, the EU financing instrument at EU level to promote a high level of quality and sustainable employment, guaranteeing adequate and decent social protection, combating social exclusion and poverty and...

France Clusters training workshop in Brussels on 13-14 September 2018

POSITION YOUR CLUSTER IN A EUROPEAN DIMENSION AND LEARN HOW TO GRASP NEW OPPORTUNITIES! The training workshop has the general goals to teach participants how to grasp the opportunities Europe has to offer for clusters and competitiveness pôles and will address topics such as: - How to develop a...