Best practices
Using environmentally friendly cleaning supplies
Green, clean and surprisingly lean on the budget Green cleaning products cost 7 % less than conventional products per 1 000 litres used Less water is needed to dillute and dissolve green cleaners compared to conventional products OEKO Institute in Germany has assessed the benefits of using eco...
Best practices
Optimisation of cleaning-in-place systems
Since the 1950s, clean-in-place (CIP) systems have been reliably used to clean inside surfaces of tanks and pipelines in liquid process equipment to avoid costly downtime associated with lengthy dismantling and cleaning tasks. The technique covers a variety of areas, but its main purpose is to...
Best practices
Reduced water consumption in beverage production
Purge ends in 5 minutes! German company shows how to reduce water use through optimised cleaning-in-place technique Shorter purge cycle reduces water consumption by 12 %, saving about € 10 600 per annum Beverage production is a very water-intensive industry, both as an ingredient and in cleaning...