Call for Proposals: Clusters Go International
Deadline: 30 October 2019, 17:00 hours (Brussels time). The main objective of this action is to intensify cluster and business network collaboration across borders and also across sectorial boundaries and to support the establishment of European Strategic Cluster Partnerships to lead international...
INNOWWIDE: Call for experts for Viability Assessment Projects in international markets
The INNOWWIDE consortium is launching a call for experts with relevant expertise in areas such as technology and innovation transfer, market research, internationalization and accessing new markets. The evaluation process will start in early June 2019 with a total duration of 7 weeks. First stage...
Open Call - EU4Business: Connecting Companies
Call Reference: EuropeAid/161515/DH/ACT/ Deadline for submission of concept notes*: 15/02/2019 at 12:00 (Brussels date and time) The global objective of this call for proposals is to contribute towards the development of sustainable and equitable economic growth models in the EaP countries, which...
Austrian clusters and internationalisation – strategies for 2019 and beyond
The National Austrian Cluster Platform was launched in 2008 and is the information and cooperation platform for national and federal cluster stakeholders in Austria. The platform organises six working groups on various themes such as “national innovation system”, “cluster praxis”, “EU policy”,...
CLUSTERIX 2.0 stakeholder meeting
On June 22nd, Flanders Innovation and Entrepreneurship hosted in Brussels a stakeholder meeting for clusters, attended by 50 representatives of 30 (cluster) organisations. This event, which addressed the main theme ‘internationalization’, included presentations from several experts as well as a...
Cool Silicon offers informational event focussing on cooperation with USA & Canada
On April 27th. 2017, Silicon Saxony and Cool Silicon are organizing a joint information evening in Dresden focussing on business cooperation with USA and Canada. It is part of the current "iCool" project managed by Cool Silicon e. V. Background is the Business Connection Forum planned by Silicon...
EuroCham Myanmar
The European Chamber of Commerce in Myanmar – EuroCham – serves as the voice of European business in Myanmar. Its main mission is to advocate member interests with organisations in Myanmar, the ASEAN region and the EU. Eurocham’s main mission is to significantly increase the presence of European...
The EU Asia Business Link (EALink)
EALink is the platform aimed at helping European businesses to set up and develop commercial relations in several Asian countries. EALink is your starting point to find information and support in the target market provided by a wide network of EU Business Support Initiatives as well as European...
The EU Asia Business Link (EALink)
EALink is a one-stop-shop where European SMEs and business organisations can find key information and relevant links to develop business in Asia. The European Union is increasingly engaged in developing support initiatives for European SMEs to expand their activities internationally, outside of the...
Building Capacity on Cluster Internationalisation workshop
Late last week, 63 participants from 13 countries gathered in Riga for a capacity building workshop on cluster internationalisation. The workshop brought together cluster managers, representatives from Enterprise Europe Network, and policymakers from around the Baltic Sea Region to learn from each...
EU Support Services/ IPR Helpdesks
There are many services for the SMEs supported by the European Commission aiming to easy their internationalization efforts. We present you below a list of organizations you may want to virtually visit through a short profile to discover how you can benefit from their activities (IPR issues, service...