

European Commission Adopts 2022 Work Programme for a Post-COVID-19 EU

The European Commission’s 2022 Work Programme aims to create a post-COVID-19 Europe that is greener, more digital and more resilient. The programme includes 42 policy initiatives and reflects on the lessons learnt from the Covid pandemic whilst focusing on the young generation through the  European...

European Commission seeking views on EU Trade policy

The European Commission has launched a major review of the European Union's trade policy, including a public consultation seeking input from the European Parliament, Member States, stakeholders and civil society. The Commission's objective is to build a consensus around a fresh medium-term direction...

New call for EU Green Week partner events

The EU Green Week takes place on 20-22 October 2020. With a high-level policy conference in Brussels and partner events around Europe, it is the biggest annual event on European environmental policy. You can become an event partner too. If you will organise an event on environmental topics between...

Ecodesign Breakdown in Spain: 100 companies exhibit their green products

Why are more than 100 companies ecodesigning in the Spanish Basque region? Why is it expected that these companies ecodesign products to reach 7.000 milion €/year turnover by 2020? A 20 years public-private partnership is the answer. The early adaption of EU Product and Ecodesign Policies has been...

Delivering Smart Specialisation investments through industrial clusters

In this editorial, Ulla Engelmann, Head of "Advanced Technologies, Clusters and Social Economy" Unit at the European Commission's Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW), reflects on the contribution of clusters within the Smart Specialisation policy...

1st policy Hackathon on smart construction and smart mobility to get carbon neutral cities by 2030

The European Innovation Ecosystems Unit of the European Innovation Council at DG R&I is organising the first ever policy hackathon at the Directorate General of Research and Innovation (DG R&I) at the European Commission, and is looking for startups or investors in the areas and smart construction...

Canada changes its support policy to university-industry R&D

Canada has a long-standing culture of funding collaborative industry-university projects. Since 1989, collaborative research projects are funded by the Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE). This year, the government of Canada has decided to review its funding scheme and to replace the NCE with...

Supporting an Innovation Agenda for the Western Balkans - Tools and Methodologies

A Science for Policy report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s science and knowledge service, this publication aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policymaking process. The report (source: https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/publication/eur-scientific...

Brazil analysis reports are available

Two analysis reports prepared by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform, the preparatory briefings and discussion paper on Brazil, are available! These reports are the result of the collection of relevant cluster information in the country, including business and sector trends, cluster policies...