Steam boiler
Best practices
Condensate return
The return of the condensate Steam condensate is a well-known by-product of many industries. What is less well known is that it can be a powerful source of heat that can be reused. Using this end-of-pipe steam to improve efficiency makes economic and environmental sense. A plant’s energy load and...
Best practices
Blowdown heat recovery
On a daily or weekly basis, steam boilers blow down hot water from the boiler to avoid the formation of sludge. Blowdown heat systems can recover much of this waste heat and reuse it. The system is made up of a flash vessel and a heat exchanger. It works best when blowdown is carried out...
Best practices
Energy saving in boiler performance - burner fuel combustion and air control
Case for dual burners Installation of dual fuel burners to replace heavy oil burners, with the aim of increasing fuel-heat effectiveness and avoiding radiation heat loss, among others. Steam and high-temperature hot water (HTHW) boilers is a category of technologies commonly used in industrial...
Best practices
Integration of solar energy in the company heat generation
Most industry-grade process heating systems are based on steam or hot water from boilers that today mainly burn fossil fuels like oil, gas and coal, or electricity generated by different sources. Solar process heating systems can supply up to 20-30 % of the heating demands of an average plant. This...
Best practices
Heat recovery from production processes
Even in workplaces which have already introduced energy saving measures, there is still one untapped source… waste heat. Industrial or thermal processes produce heat that is all-too-often released into the atmosphere, adding to greenhouse gases. That heat can be recovered and used in various ways...
Best practices
Upgrade boilers to use self-produced energy
Companies can generate energy for their own use and improve their overall energy efficiency by modernising existing equipment. Simple measures like replacing old boilers with new ones can increase their efficiency by up to 15 %. The highest energy savings can be achieved in cases when companies...