
Support programme

Your Business is Food

You Business is Food's motto is 'Don’t throw it away!'. The scheme helps food businesses save money and boost profits by throwing away less food. With simple steps and handy resources businesses can help reduce the amount of food they throw away and help staff learn good practices. The tool contains...
Support programme

Your Workplace Without Waste

Engaging employees in making a company more efficient can deliver great results. Your Workplace Without Waste is an employee engagement programme to inspire staff to throw away less food and packaging. A suite of materials, tools and templates to assist users, train staff, start green teams and run...
Support programme

CIWM e-learning Hub

The Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM) offers a paid on-line training course to develop user skills, helping them to identify and implement best practices in waste management. The course comprises a series of short modules with supporting guides, tools and templates charged separately...
Support programme

Staff Engagement Toolkit

Delivered through a downloadable planner, the toolkit gives users step-by-step actions for engaging and motivating staff. There are six stages covered: setting up a green team; staff training in the workplace; engagement campaigns on 'switch-off' and leak reporting; engaging staff to improve waste...
Support programme

Green Champions Training

Free online course to help trainees identify and implement resource efficiency improvements within their organisation. The course is made up of a series of short modules with supporting guides, tools and templates. Certifcates are awarded at the satisfactory completion of modules.
Support programme

1-2-Many Support

Resource Efficient Scotland's half-day workshops, full-day training events and short webinars are used to deliver 1-2-Many support. This support is designed to improve the knowledge and skills of attendees.
Support programme

Green Healthcare Programme

The Green Healthcare Programme provides on-site efficiency assessments, staff training sessions and self-help tools for hospitals and other healthcare facilities to reduce and recycle waste (including healthcare risk wastes). The programme also deals with water (i.e. water-flow surveys) and energy...
Support programme

RECP Club Manual for Enterprises

The RECP Club is a supporting model developed for scaling up and mainstreaming RECP in enterprises, in particular smaller businesses. The aim of RECP Clubs is to help small businesses to identify viable economic and environmental solutions for their business. It includes a set of tools and...
Support programme

Green Office

The KÖVET Association for Sustainable Development is offering a service to SMEs, called Green Office, which includes a handbook, training, office footprint calculator, a virtual office, and advisory services. Green Offices make conscious decisions to lower their ecological footprint and greenhouse...
Support programme

Objective CO2

Objective CO2 is an emission-reduction programme in the transport sector. It is the only national-level scheme in France offering companies a structuring framework for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and air pollutants in their transport activities. The programme is supported by Ademe and...
Support programme

Cleaner Production Toolkit

The Cleaner Production Toolkit, developed by UNIDO, provides a comprehensive methodology for cleaner production and resource-efficiency projects, and relevant training. Successful projects are based on a unique combination of training, interactive exercises, motivation of trainers, extensive...
Best practices

Voluntary material efficiency commitment in the food industry

In the food industry, raw materials account for about 45 % of net sales. The cost of purchasing goods sold in the grocery trade is more than 70 % of turnover. Therefore, measures to improve material efficiency are a major competitive factor enabling a company to achieve significant savings. In small...