Digital transition

Policy toolkit item

Mapping of the Spanish Federation of Clusters

The Spanish Federation of Clusters is now developing a mapping, On it, clusters report about their professional capacities, resources in term of classrooms, skilling programs, alliances with educational institutions and other clusters, participation on public programs at European level (i.e. Erasmus...

Policy toolkit item

Clusters, Collective Research

Collective research projects are R&D activities based on the mapping of the innovation needs of the cluster members, especially SMEs in the given sector or technology segment. The results of the joint cluster projects have to be pre-competitive, so that they can be exploited by a larger group of...

Policy toolkit item

Technology and Industrial Modernization Roadmaps

The main goal of the activity is to support the development of innovation networks - technology platforms as tools for increasing the intensity of joint research, development and innovation activities between business entities and the research sector. The technology platforms are networks bringing...

Policy toolkit item

State-aid program: Strengthening Value Added Chains , Clusters , Networking

The state-aid program "Strengthening Value Added Chains - Clusters – Networking” was launched in 17 May 2021 by the General Secretariat of Industry and the Special Agency for Managing Co-funding Projects in the Sectors of Manufacturing, Commerce and Consumers’ Protection of the Hellenic Ministry for...

Policy toolkit item

Cluster policy in Poland

Funding - support planned for the years 2021-2027: Development of the potential of growing clusters - support to cluster management organisations Support for the supra-regional growing clusters, aspiring to obtain the status of National Key Clusters - strengthening the professionalization of...

Policy toolkit item

Silicon Valley Innovation programme (SVIP)

The Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate Silicon Valley Innovation programme (SVIP) is keeping pace with the innovation community to tackle the hardest problems faced by DHS and the Homeland Security Enterprise. SVIP expands DHS S&T’s reach to find new technologies that...

Policy toolkit item

Industry4Ukraine - Platform of industrial and hightech sectors

The platform of industrial and hightech sectors Industry4Ukraine was created to develop modern industry as the basis of the Ukrainian economy. In 2020, three committees of the platform started their work: - the Cluster Committee; - Committee for Smart specialisation of Regions; - Committee for...

Policy toolkit item


The TTGV Xnovate programme offers tools for the discussion and implementation of new ideas and methods for communities to learn together with innovators. The programme consists of five sub-brands: 1. Xnovate Circle is a community of applications about technology and innovation; 2. Xnovate Fellows is...

Policy toolkit item

The Strategic Project of Facilitating Digital Transformation of The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

The SME agency, Ministry of Economic Affairs, coordinating with other ministries and bureaus are responsible of developing The Strategic Project of Facilitating Digital Transformation of The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. Its aims are: to provide intelligence; provide free online courses of IT...

Policy toolkit item

Skelleftea Digital Alliance

Skelleftea Digital Alliance is a non-profit association working to support business development and innovation; creating publicity for the industry; developing existing resources in the industry. Its concrete activities are: to create increased interest in the industry among young people; to boost...

Policy toolkit item

Programme Catalunya Clusters

This initiative aims to help clusters to focus their strategy, train cluster managers, co-finance strategic projects, organise missions to different ecosystems for international benchmarking and launch collaborative projects between Catalan clusters or with international entities. The initiative...

Policy toolkit item

Smart Green Industrial Park under 'Green New Deal'

A project under the Korean Green New Deal aims to convert industrial complexes into smart eco-friendly manufacturing spaces with digital-based high productivity (smart) and high energy-efficiency as well as low pollution (eco-friendly). The cluster measure supports the following goals: 1)...