financial support

Support programme

Support of innovation measures in SMEs - resource and energy efficiency

With this programme the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) helps SMEs by supporting high-risk and application-oriented industrial research as well as pre-competitive development projects in the field of resource and energy efficiency. Examples of eligible projects include (read...
Support programme

KMU-innovativ - support of innovation measures in SMEs

With this programme the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) supports high-risk and application-oriented industrial research as well as pre-competitive development projects. This especially applies to R&D in the field of production systems and technologies, including...
Support programme

Support for joint interdisciplinary industrial research

This programme by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) helps SMEs overcome structural disadvantages in R&D. SMEs are often not able to sufficiently fund external research or maintain in-house R&D departements, due to their limited size. The programme fosters joint...
Support programme

Support for measures in refrigeration and air-conditioning systems

As part of the National Climate Safety Initiative (NKI) in Germany, this programme by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) supports improvement measures in industrial refrigeration and air-conditioning systems. Overhauled systems consume...
Support programme

FONA³ - Research for Sustainable Development

The FONA³ programme is the central funding measure of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research to finance research on global change, sustainable economics and socio-ecological issues. Flagship initiatives covered by the programme: Green economy Cities of the future Energy transition...
Support programme

Central Innovation Programme for SMEs

The Central Innovation Programme (ZIM) is an initiative of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) aimed at SMEs in R&D projects. The programme is open to proposals covering all types of technology and sectors, as well as national or international cooperation. The...
Support programme

Material Audit Aid

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment in Finland provides subsidies to SMEs, large companies and municipalities implementing material audits. The funding covers maximum 40 % of the work and travel costs of the expert carrying out a material audit.
Support programme

Business Finland - Programes and services

Tekes is the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation and offers programmes and initiatives to help businesses and public research units develop new know-how, build networks and increase their impact in a given field. One of Tekes' programmes closely related to the resource efficiency theme is the...
Support programme

Tekes Energy aid

Business Finland offers energy aid or grants to climate- and environment-friendly investment and investigation projects that promote: 1) the production or use of renewable energy 2) stimulate energy savings or improving efficiency of energy production or use 3) otherwise replacing the energy system...
Support programme

Funding for SMEs and midcap companies

TBusiness Finland is the most important publicly funded expert organisation for financing research, development and innovation in Finland. Business Finalnd offers funding and support for SMEs operating in Finland and aiming at the international markets or looking to expand their international...
Support programme

Financing to support SMEs and MID-Caps from the EIB

On the basis of a long-term arrangement with the European Investment Bank (EIB), SID Bank finances a range of projects undertaken by SMEs. Projects must fall into one of the following categories: Development of knowledge society and inovative entrepreneurship (RRI, Education) Development of...
Support programme

WeBSEFF - Western Balkans Sustainable Energy Financing Facility

WeBSEFF is a financing facility under which the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) provides credit lines to partner banks in the Western Balkans to on-lend to businesses and municipalities wanting to invest in energy efficiency and small-scale renewable energy projects. Budget...