financial support

Support programme

Environmental performance in Brittany

The Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI) of Brittany and the Ademe have set up a multi-dimensional programme to improve companies' environmental management. Five key areas are adressed: energy efficiency, waste efficiency, circular economy, eco-design and eco-innovation. Companies can contact...
Support programme

CD2Pro - Sustainable Competitiveness Product Process in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

The Sustainable Competitiveness Product Process (CD2Pro) programme assists companies in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region in their environmental management projects by mobilising the services of technological experts. The programme focuses on: Decreasing resource consumption (materials, energy, etc.)...
Support programme

ACCESS Rhône-Alpes Programme

The ACCESS Rhône-Alpes Programme helps companies analyse and manage their energy consumption. It has been set up with the support of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, Ademe, and the Chambers of Crafts, Commerce, and Industry. It has three main components: the energy visit, Optim'Energy programme and...
Support programme

EPEE - Clean and Energy Efficient Enterprise in Haute-Normandie

The Clean and Energy Efficient Enterprise (EPEE) 2020 programme is a support initiative of the Association Energies in Haute-Normandie. With the support of the state, the region and the Ademe, it helps local companies in their energy efficiency projects. The programme is composed of an energy...
Support programme

Climaxion - energy transition and circular economy in région Grand Est

Climaxion is the regional programme for the energy transition and the circular economy in the Grand Est region in France. It revolves around four main themes: energy efficient and sustainable buildings, renewable energies, circular economy and resource saving, climate action and sustainable...
Support programme

MethaN-Action - support for methanisation projects in Nouvelle-Aquitaine

The MethaN-Action project is a regional support programme which helps farms in their methanisation projects in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, in partnership with Ademe, the Regional Council of Nouvelle-Aquitaine, the regional Cuma federation and the technology centre, APESA. The idea is to centralise...
Support programme

Energy Efficiency in Enterprises Programme in Bourgogne-Franche Comté

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) Bourgogne Franche-Comté offers companies a regional energy management support programme, with the support of Ademe and the Bourgogne Franche-Comté Region. The objective of the SEE programme, Energy Efficiency in Enterprises, is to help companies implement...
Support programme

Investment aid for high-efficiency cogeneration

In collaboration with the Energy and Water Agency (E&WA), Malta Enterprise is helping to promote investment in high-efficiency cogeneration equipment; energy efficient solutions that simultaneously generate thermal energy and electrical and/or mechanical energy, with a calculated primary energy...
Support programme

PIA - Investment for the future plan

The PIA (Programme d'Investissements d'Avenir) is an industrial policy tool that acts as a catalyst for green growth. It finances innovative projects of all sizes to bring out or develop the industrial sectors of tomorrow. The programme covers a wide range of thematic areas: renewable energy (marine...
Support programme

FITEC - Innovation, Technology and Circular Economy Fund

The Innovation, Technology and Circular Economy Fund (FITEC) finances collaborative projects centred on supporting knowledge transfer between universities, companies and technology centres. Target areas for funding include energy efficiency and the circular economy. The Fund is a joint effort of...
Support programme


Re:Source is a strategic research platform financed by the Swedish Energy Agency. It finances projects in the field of remanufacturing, re-use and recycling. Both research-oriented stakeholders and companies can participate. The starting point is waste or byproducts. The project targets new...
Support programme

Formas - yearly open call

Formas, the Swedish Research Council, publishes a yearly open call for proposals by researchers in one of three defined priority areas: environment, agricultural sciences, and spatial planning. There has to be a strong research component (i.e. often universities apply) in this call and a focus on...