financial support

Support programme

Operational Programme Environment - Greece

The Operational Programme Environment has a budget of some € 5.2 billion (2014-2020) and covers low-carbon transition, climate change and resource efficiency issues. The programme is intended primarily for the public sector, however some sub-programmes are open to private companies involving the...
Support programme

European Investment Bank funding for Circular Economy projects

In light of the EC Circular Economy Package, the European Investment Bank (EIB), as the EU bank, aims to support the transition to a circular economy (CE), in particular in the EU, but also in other parts of the world. While the EIB has a long track record of lending to projects focusing on...
Support programme

Innovation vouchers

Small and medium-sized enterprises can receive financial support in the form of innovation vouchers for their innovation projects that bring concrete results and have real impact on the market. The scheme comprises a wide range of innovative activities including those that result in energy and/or...
Support programme

Programme 'Expansion'

The Expansion Programme offers Czech small and medium-sized enterprises outside of Prague interest-free investment loans up to 45 % of eligible costs, ranging from CZK 1 to 45 million. They can be used to purchase machines, equipment and technology, including ones for increasing resource efficiency...
Support programme

Programme 'Energy Savings'

The Energy Savings programme offers SMEs and large businesses interest-free loans to finance their energy-saving projects anywhere in the Czech Republic outside of the capital city of Prague. The projects have to bring at least 10 % energy savings, and can include building insulation, changing...
Support programme

Private Finance for Energy Efficiency

The Private Finance for Energy Efficiency (PF4EE) instrument is a joint agreement between the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Commission, which aims to address the limited access to adequate and affordable commercial financing for energy efficiency investments. The instrument targets...
Support programme

Public funding for energy-saving business investments

The Service of Industry and Technology in Cyprus provides funding for energy saving and resource efficiency under various schemes which are published on its web-page. Consult the site for the latest news and information about calls.
Support programme

Eco-Innovation LT+

Eco-Innovation LT+ encourages micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises to install eco-innovative technology to reduce the adverse effects of climate change and the greenhouse effect. Financed activities of Eco-Innovation LT+ include: Investing in tangible assets that reduce the negative...
Support programme

Eco-Innovation LT

Eco-Innovation LT is a financial support engine for projects intended to improve the environmental impact of products throughout their life-cycle (raw material selection and use, manufacturing, packaging, transportation, use), systematically integrating environmental aspects at the earliest stage of...
Support programme

Interest free energy efficiency loans

Carbon Trust offers interest free, unsecured loans for energy efficiency and renewable energy technology projects for companies in Wales. The loans are provided from £ 3 000 and £ 200 000 (~€ 224 000) in Wales. A wide range of energy efficiency or renewable energy projects can be considered...
Support programme

Eco-innovation Coupons

Economic aid for Catalan SMEs to improve their competitiveness and encourage transition to a green and circular economy. Three types of services are eligible for funding: Analysis of production processes and identification of environmental improvements Ecodesign of products and services Promotion of...
Support programme

Eco-innovation Projects Programme

Financial support for eco-innovation projects aimed at technological demonstrations, which may be complemented by non-technological innovation and feasibility studies for new products or services, business models or value chains in the Basque Country developed in preparation for participating in...