financial support
Support programme
Growth programme for SMEs
A programme to help SMEs achieve greater productivity and competitiveness, particularly through increased automation, digitisation and resource-efficiency gains. A total of 1 000 SMEs are offered an initial 'growth check', a customised review of their growth potential and challenges faced carried...
Support programme
Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Programme (EUDP)
In Denmark, there are three support programmes for 'green' development and demonstration projects: The Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Programme (EUDP) The Green Development and Demonstration Programme (GUDP) The Danish Eco-Innovation Programme (MUDP) EUDP is a public-funded scheme...
Support programme
GUDP - Green Development and Demonstration Programme
In Denmark, there are three support programmes for 'green' development and demonstration projects: The Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Programme (EUDP) The Green Development and Demonstration Programme (GUDP) The Danish Eco-Innovation Programme (MUDP) The GUDP is a public-funded...
Support programme
Danish Eco-Innovation Programme (MUDP)
In Denmark, there are three support programmes for 'green' development and demonstration projects: The Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Programme (EUDP) The Green Development and Demonstration Programme (GUDP) The Danish Eco-Innovation Programme (MUDP) MUDP is a public-funded scheme...
Support programme
Financing to support SMEs from the EIB
On the basis of long-term arrangement with the German Development Bank (KfW), SID Bank funds SME projects that fall into one of the following categories: Development of knowledge society and innovative entrepreneurship (RRI, education) Development of environmentally friendly society and production...
Support programme
Green Enterprise
Green Enterprise challenges organisations and companies to produce goods and provide services in more environmentally friendly ways, and to minimise emissions through cleaner production methods. The objective is to achieve a balance between economic and social activity and environmental protection...
Support programme
Regional Operational Programme
The Regional Operational Programme (ROP) aims at promoting smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in all regions in Romania, making them more attractive places in which to live and work. The programme addresses the major development challenges for Romania: regional competitiveness, sustainable...
Support programme
Operational Programme Competitiveness - Romania
The main objective of the programme is to increase the capacity of Romania's national research, development and innovation (RDI) system in order to support economic competitiveness and business development. The programme focuses on two main priorities: • RDI supporting economic competitiveness and...
Support programme
Operational Programme Regions in Growth - Bulgaria
Support under this programme seeks complementary actions to achieve Bulgaria's regional and urban development policy's objectives to tackle imbalances in the country. Budget allocation: € 1 543 182 113 (2014-2020) Funding priorities 39 urban centres (Level I, II and III cities) in Bulgaria are the...
Support programme
Operational Programme Innovation and Competitiveness - Bulgaria
SMEs are the main target group of this Operational Programme (2014-2020). The programme's strategy, as a part of the implementation of the EU structural and investment funds (ESIF) in Bulgaria, is closely related to the EU objectives for growth and jobs, and Bulgaria‘s contribution to 'Europe 2020'...
Support programme
Aid for innovative cooperation projects in cluster initiatives, Upper Austria
Financial programme intended primarily for innovative cooperation projects conducted between companies, as well as R&D institutions, in relevant clusters, such as Cleantech, and focused on technology and organisation. The aim is to address the needs of SMEs. Maximum funding per partner: € 30 000...
Support programme
Energy efficiency - property tax discounts
Construction and renovation projects requiring a town planning permit or notification must meet a number of requirements laid out in the EU's Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), such as a maximum insulation level (K-level), maximum energy level (E-level), minimum share of renewable...